Acceptance points

07/05/2016 23:03

Katie  - My wife had never seen me dressed and never wanted to until that faitful day she came up with a cuppa for me and it changed her opinion slightly and we moved to another level of acceptance at that point and not long after had our first “girls night in together”.

I know my wife had a mental picture of me dressed even though I'd shown her photos which I don't think she really looked at in any detail.

I remember her saying “OK you look like a woman but I just don't get it” and at that time said I still want nothing to do with it… until she came up and met me dressed totally unplanned 9 years later.

My dressing is also very separate from the male part of my life, there is no blurring between the lines here.

The same as Katie I think the whole dressing thing is very difficult to get your head round so I've given up on wondering why I do it.

I’m not sure if I entirely understand the motivation but I’ve never looked at it as hiding my sex (I'm a bloke who crossdresses still a bloke).


I’ve done it to please myself and have done it behind closed doors for years since a kid before my wife knew and since telling my wife.

I don't dress to attract other people but all the same if someone sees a picture of me in my “Davina” profile its nice to read a nice comment about how I look.. Not so much appreciated from “Male Admirers” but in a way nice to read someone thinking I look attractive and that's that, nothing needs to be done about it, mere words on a screen of well done. 


Acceptance and agreement is very important as is seperating crossdressing fro the day to day



Why do Men Crossdress The Forum????