Had my Fill… Off on holiday soon

05/07/2015 15:29

Dressed working from home once in the week, then a saturday night "Girls Night In" with my wife and Monday dressed up again with my red head wig matching my makeup to the wig or rather doing it slightly different to match the red head look and I thought I looked quite nice, a change from Blonde Davina but was so busy and so many phone calls that I rapidly got fed up of being dressed for some reason (possibly because I've been dressed quite a bit recently) so my wife didn't get to meet me as a red head for lunch.

We're off on hols for 2 weeks from next Saturday so no blog for two weeks or more and no dressing whilst away with the family so girly things up in the attic away for a few weeks.

I worked from home again in the week but didn't dress having had my fill with little urge to dress.

We went to a function Saturday night I was suited and booted and wife had on a nice blue dress with lace top to it and heels :)

She was commenting to other women there about the nice display of dresses other women were wearing and I was also admiring as there were some stunning women at the event plus also appreciating some of the dresses and high heels plus how women had done their hair and makeup.

I lost the urge the tail end of the week and packed Davina away for two weeks and now have the urge back but have also grown nice designer stubble which I think makes me look more "handsome" as a man so no dressing this week despite planning to work from home a few days.. resist the urge then off on the plane to Spain Saturday .... Hopeing for a stress free relaxing 2 weeks and come back with a nice sun tan :)


Why do Men Crossdress The Forum???? https://cdtra007.wixsite.com/whydomencrossdress/forum cdtra007@hotmail.com