How to Make Tits from rice

19/06/2014 17:34

For the occasional Crossdresser spending money on girly things and false tits isnt really something I feel I can justify so with the help of google "How to make false tits" I found a way to replace my "foam bals and sponges" with something i can shape...

Take one packet of 500g rice and some Knee high stockings

Double them up on your hand one inside another then pour the rice into the stockings and tie the top (The tied top stops rice coming out - obvious and also makes a nipple)

Et Voilla a pair of Rice Tits which are easy to shape and put in your bra and feel quite substancial.

 Ok they dont look much like this but feel nice and look great in the right bra and with some jiggery pokery you can make some nice cleavage.


Nice Nipples :)                                                                         Nice cleavage which can be accentuated with makeup which ill do in a new pic some time.

So there you have it £1 Tilda Rice and 4 x knee high stockigs and you've got nice shapely tits.... My wife will think I'm barking mad....


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