Stage 1 - Shock and Denial

20/02/2014 19:45

The first stage you get to when you’re told your other half crossdresses is obviously shock and denial “You cant possibly crossdress its just not you!?!”


  • Lack of information – Media led misconception?
  • Fear of the Unknown – What does this mean to the relationship?
  • Fear of the hidden secret – How long has he been doing this? Is he gay? Does he want to be a woman?
  • Fear of the future and what it means to your relationship

After the initial shock you may feel denial and a feeling of why has this happened to me I didn’t sign up for this and everything was OK until he told me he was a crossdresser.

You might feel

  • Betrayal
  • Fear for the future
  • Fear of what others may think of you or your partner if they found out

Its common to bury your head in the sand and act like the conversation never happened and it wont affect the relationship.

You may go on about your relationship in denial about crossdressing happening and make excuses to avoid conversation about crossdressing making key communication very difficult and cause stress between each other. “Crossdressing becomes the Elephant in the room” in the relationship.

Talk - Communication is key to provide reassurance and support and to ease any fears being honest and open in the communication it gets things off your chest … as I cover later write it down its easier.


Why do Men Crossdress The Forum????