The confession “I'm a Crossdresser”

07/05/2016 23:43

It's not easy admitting you're a crossdresser so rejection after working your way upto telling someone is doubly hard to take..


Some will say you tell because it makes it easier for you…


9 years of my wife knowing I crossdressed wasn't always easy before she got to a level of understanding and acceptance.


I didn't tell her to make it easier for me I told her as she deserved to know and I trusted she would cope with and understand it given explanations..


I was maybe lucky that she knew I was mad anyway soooo...


I agree keeping crossdressing private is a good thing.


Society isn’t ready for crossdressers  in the main stream with our fake DD boobs and long hair and women would be so jealous of our legs so we're better off hiding our legs away in secret and in private.




Why do Men Crossdress The Forum????