06/02/2016 11:21

“It comes and goes.. The Urge to want to Crossdress no the need to Crossdress (sometimes) to just unwind for a bit and dress up as a Woman..”


My my does that sound weird and what would people think if I came out in conversation and said it.. but what harm does it do.. what does it matter to anyone that to help me unwind I dress up like a woman put on makeup and a wig and try to look as much as possible like a woman .. the ultimate escapism for a man.. and load of men do it some in secret some out in the open ..


Some say those in the closet should come out.. some in the closet think those out of the closet are brave and maybe right but some in the closet are also brave keeping this secret to themselves knowing those who they love would not like the crossdressing so live with it like a torment wanting to scream “I'm a crossdresser!!”.. nut cannot as it will mean hurt for some and breakup but for some lucky enough acceptance and fun.. Its a big decision to make to keep it secret or to tell someone..


Some who are out (a minority of TGirls I may add) look down on Crossdressers who are in the closet but they have different circumstances.. some have very accepting signifigant others or are single or divorced free to live a more open life and get out and about crossdressed.. they should think a bit more about it as not everyone can come out freely without a drastic affect on life and relationships.


“It comes and goes.. The Urge to want to Crossdress no the need to Crossdress (sometimes) to just unwind for a bit and dress up as a Woman..”


I used to play contact sports (Rugby and Football at a good level and Cricket if you haven't been hit by that ball the contact is ouchy especially when you get hit by a bouncer bowled by someone who went on to play one day cricket for the West Indies) and that got rid of aggression and energy..


My ankles, shins and knees creak if I play football and my hamstrings tighten if I try to sprint which is something being a sprinter I've always suffered with .. no longer the athlete I once was but thankfully all the sport I played in younger years has given me fantastically sexy legs in Stocking and high heels.


When I exercise and I need to get back on it having started after Xmas then stopped due to excess work requirement I feel great and this takes away some of my Urge to crossdress getting obsessed with losing weight and getting back in shape which starts again next week up early exercise.. home from work exercise weekend long walks and exercise getting back into jogging slowly but surely to get a beach body for the summer .. oh and Davina looks better slimmer lol.


“It comes and goes.. The Urge to want to Crossdress no the need to Crossdress (sometimes) to just unwind for a bit and dress up as a Woman..”


Work work work – the amount of work I have on at the moment is OTT.. A collegue in work has told me to stop working so many hours as i'll burn out and also told me what I have to get done is a marathon not a sprint but this is the other side of me competitive to want to be the best Engineer in my field in the UK… a control freak… and OCD cant leave something undone and need to finish projects.. plus people in work dont understand my field of work which is something I need to share and train others to understand to take some of the burden and to let them know how I do the things they dont know I do and dont know they even need to be done.. breathe..


So at the moment the URGE to Crossdress is massive to unwind and escape my male persona.. Maybe not easy for my wife to understand but she knows it helps..


Dressed up twice last week for a few hours Monday 9-1430 working from home then Wednesday after phone call after phonecall and a rant on the phone to one colleague who has criticised me having to put him back in his place with the facts he hasn’t considered I thought sod it and again working from home dressed 11-1400..


“It comes and goes.. The Urge to want to Crossdress no the need to Crossdress (sometimes) to just unwind for a bit and dress up as a Woman..”


The Urge has been maintained beyond dressing twice with work again but also the feeling that dressing when working from home is getting a little unfulfilling.. do I need more ie do I need time dressed up not working just being dressed up doing normal things like watching TV or whatever anything other than sat there dressed as a woman working..


The wife and kids are out for the next 3 hours and I suppose I could quell the urge and get dressed for an hour but 15-20 mins getting dressed an hour dressed would fly by then another 15-20 mins destroying all signs of makeup and crossdressing as my oldest daughter has quesried “whats up with your eyes dad why do they look so dark” oops panda eyes and mascara…


The wife doesnt want the kids to know Daddy (a superhero to the kids) dresses as a woman.


I was chatting to a t-girl friend the other evening as the wife was watching Crud TV and she told me she'd had a dressing session and took some photos and saved them to the PC only for her 22 year old daughter to find the pics and recognise her dad which led to a wife and daughter please explain..


I wont elaborate but it ended quite well for her.. younger people are more accepting and open minded after all..


Really have the Urge to dress up now as I catch up on watching sport on Sky+ and type this blog wondering if anyone will read all this crap… Wife are you still reading this crap even?


“It comes and goes.. The Urge to want to Crossdress no the need to Crossdress (sometimes) to just unwind for a bit and dress up as a Woman..”


What do us men think of sec is it every 3-6 seconds? Well I seem to be constantly on heat and horney and the Urge to Crossdress actually exacerbates this as the process of getting changed from boring male me to Crossdressed me makes me quite the bit more horney and turned on seeing myself dressed and feeling myself dressed which after a while subsides and I relax.. then eventually get bored being dressed as dressing is usually as above working from home..


“It comes and goes.. The Urge to want to Crossdress no the need to Crossdress (sometimes) to just unwind for a bit and dress up as a Woman..”


It's still the period of women wearing dresses and black tights and the sight of Emma wasserface with her legs out on Z Celeb Big Brother is enough to make me think pfwoor and the women with their legs out on BBC breakfast time plus out and about in general seeing women dress nice in our HQ centres in work in heels and black tights and dresses and even in supermarkets and occasionally even the wife (tho wish shed wear tights and heels and a dress more often) and I get the Urge to want to dress.


I guess I love women who make the effort and love legs encassed in black tights and high heels.. and love my own legs in stockings / tights and high heels…


“It comes and goes.. The Urge to want to Crossdress no the need to Crossdress (sometimes) to just unwind for a bit and dress up as a Woman..”



Why do Men Crossdress The Forum????