What is Diversity & Inclusion?

01/02/2016 20:00

Most companies now have diversity and inclusion training and I believe we need a bit of this training within the trans community and respect across the trans spectrum as we all have different feelings about Crossdressing and different reasons for Crossdressing.

Some of us have a choice whether to dress or not and some I've found state that they don't have a choice.

In the TV Chix forums Diversity and Inclusion needs to be discussed.


Each to their own and it's up to individuals how polite they want to be to others.. manners don't cost a penny and a harsh word can go a long way to affect people.


Diversity and Inclusion has no hierarchy where certain groups within the trans community shun other groups. Sad to say there are some people who won't comment in the TVChix forum as they're afraid airing their views or siding with someone will result in an attack from a group of trans people who seem to think they have all the answers and the worthness to look down on others.


A simple thing like using someones name instead of refering to someone as “The OP” goes a long way.


Those of you who have emailled me about this know what I mean.. and as i've told you sticks and stones dont't be afraid to add comments in the forums.


Those who do the down treading must have sad lives whether they realise it or not.. don't be jealous of us Crossdressers because we have more of a choice and please don't treat us like 3rd class citizens of the trans community.. We respect those further to the right of the trans spectrum and there are many nice people but a limited few I like to call the “Tranny Police or the Tranny New World order” don't realise how much damage they do.


Nothing to see here move along Crossdressers we don't want you getting any ideas beyond your station” that's how it is coming across to many.


Twist words and interpret something completely differently from the intended message or accuse people of having an agenda. So far off the mark.


Anyway that's my little rant out the way


Diversity is any dimension that can be used to differentiate groups and people from one another.

It means “respect for” and “appreciation of differences” in ethnicity, “gender”, age, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, education, and religion.

But it’s more than this.

We all bring with us diverse perspectives, work experiences, life styles and cultures.

We know the power of diversity is unleashed when we respect and value differences.

There is diversity across the Trans spectrum from the occasional Crossdresser with many degrees of Crossdressing, through true Transvestism to Transexuals.. We should all respect one another in this regard within the Trans Spectrum.


Inclusion is a state of being valued, respected and supported.

It’s about focusing on the needs of every individual and ensuring the right conditions are in place for each person to achieve his or her full potential.

Inclusion should be reflected in all cultures, practices and relationships that are in place to support a diverse society.

In simple terms, diversity is the mix; inclusion is getting the mix to work well together which makes us as a group much stronger together.




Why do Men Crossdress The Forum???? https://cdtra007.wixsite.com/whydomencrossdress/forum cdtra007@hotmail.com