Whats so Funny about Crossdressing?

13/12/2015 20:38

In these liberal politically correct times we find ourselves in, any reference in a conversation amongst friends to crossdressing provokes laughter and mockery.

Crossdressers written off as part of an unsavoury group of weird sexual deviants.

Probably the simplest distinction that can be found in an society is male and female clothing and image noted as belonging to one sex or the other, but like most politically correct things or like racism or sexism it seems to be a one way street.

Let me examine first racism then sexism then homophobia..

Racism – If I say something about someone with dark skin or a certain religion I would be called a racist, but is it racist for someone to call me a white this or that? I couldn't care less if someone called me a white this or that but you call someone a black this or that and its racism? Has this all gone too far and do we all need to grow up “Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me?”

Sexism – I can't say that a woman can't perform a certain type of job as I could get called a sexist as we see this myth that women are paid less than men (not in my experience) and also see criticism of certain organisations if there are seen to be insufficient numbers of women working there – Should it be best “person” for the job or do we need equal number of men and women.. what's the point in that? Inversely someone can say “Oh you cant do that job its a womans job”… hmmm?

Homophobia - If I say something derogatory about a gay guy or woman I'm homophobic and shunned by the politically correct brigade but if a gay person says something derogatory about me being a straight married man it's ok? (I couldn't care less again names will never hurt me).. I've been in a meeting where a woman has made it clear from the off that she was a lesbian and I wonder what would happen if I decided to introduce myself after her in a meeting round the table introductions “Hello I'm soinso and I'm a straight married man” or what If a load of straight people decided to design a straight person flag and walked in 100's down the city centre with banners and flags stating that we're all heterosexual… what would happen? Why doesn't it happen? It would be seen as homophobic but why?

So where am I going with this ah yes crossdressing.. Even in the crossdressing world Crossdressers are frowned upon by straight people, gay people, transexuals all seem to laugh and mock crossdressers.. The PC brigade don't seem to want to know Crossdressers and to defend us or to try to explain the different degrees of distaste and opprobrium which are attracted by those who choose to wear clothes and portray the image “belonging” to the opposite sex. (As deemed by society to belong to one sex or the other).

It is perfectly possible and acceptable for women in the UK to wear just about every item of traditional male dress without raising a single eyebrow. The situation is completely different for men who choose to wear female garments, makeup etc.

In an open multiculture in the UK which aspires tolerance towards race, colour, religion and sexuality, in which there is an openness about sexual debate, and much talk among feminists and others about the importance of breaking down notions of gender, why is it that male crossdressers attract so much hostility and ridicule?.. onto my next blog above Last night...



Why do Men Crossdress The Forum???? https://cdtra007.wixsite.com/whydomencrossdress/forum cdtra007@hotmail.com