When in Man Mode and crossdressing crops up in conversation

08/10/2014 21:37

Isnt it funny when in macho male mode that crossdressing will crop up in conversation..

Yesterday in amongst a group of men crossdressing came up in conversation at first as a bit of a joke but out of the blue in the chat but then persisted and turned into a conversation about why people crossdress and what they thought of it then one guy mentions "theres this place called pink punters where they all go..." my ears pricked up ah maybe a fellow crossdresser acting the macho male like myself but then at that moment slipped up with too much knowlegde some insider information leaked up about a t-girl haunt in MK.

So heres me looking at said bloke thinking I wonder if you're on tvchix lol..... Still going cold turkey no crossdressing coming up to 2 months...


Why do Men Crossdress The Forum???? https://cdtra007.wixsite.com/whydomencrossdress/forum cdtra007@hotmail.com