Why do we shave our chests – Is it even related to Crossdressing or just “the man thing to do these days”

21/04/2016 14:32




Back in the 70's and 80s the hairy chest was in, Sean Connery, Magnum PI, Tom Jones lol 

To have a shaved chest was thought to be homosexual in what I'm reading on the internet from back then…

How things have changed in the last 15-25 years.


So widespread is body shaving/waxing with men today. Why do so many men shave their chests now?

Because, it shows off muscle definition.

Now that metrosexuality is pretty much “normal,” men think nothing of wanting to be sexy.

And what’s the point of going to the gym religiously and making an effort to always look our best if our muscles are covered in wiry hair, so we shave that chest fur off.

There is a resurgence in cultivated fashion beards which I grow myself and think makes me more attractive as a man and I may not shave my face for 2-3 weeks at a time but shave my chest and the Party Zone a few times per week.

The smooth chests on the British Lions squad enjoying a group swim on the beach a few years ago caused a stir in some circles, perhaps because rugby used to be a sport for hairy beer monsters and “real men.” But since it went “pro” a while back, that has all changed. “Rugby player build” used to be a skinny or fat but now it tends to mean “ripped” — professional rugby players are living the Men’s Health dream with their own personal dieticians and fitness trainers getting modeling contracts for Dove and the like.

However, in terms of sexuality it inis interests me to read that the tables have turned in the sexuality stakes as gay men have been re-fetishing body hair lately.

It reads that gay men like their men to be men and that in fact, quite a few gay men these days seem to want to present themselves as the hairy, beer-monster, real-men of yesteryear.

So onto my thoughts – I have always shaved my chest.. It has nothing to do with my Crossdressing as if I dressed or not I would still shave my chest for the very reasons above, muscle definition and how much more attractive I feel having cultivated myself to feel fresh and not itchy and scratchy and sweaty.

Yes it helps with the Crossdressing as you dont want to make all that effort with makeup and heels to wear a low cut dress and have a brillo pad where you should have cleavage.

Form my guestbook I see one of the wives sees the shaving as a reminder of crossdressing and would prefer her husband to be hairy.. I beg to differ as if he let his hairy chest grow he'd be gay lol… sorry I can't take this seriously..


We've had some good chat recently and it has hit home to me more not what we want our women to be but more what our women want us to be and they don't mind telling us where we bottle it up and moan to ourselves that they wont wear stockings and heels in the bedroom or wear flats not heels or trousers not a dress as we will get the scorn and have to cook our own dinner lol and sleep on the setee… and the gardening is still ours they havent taken over that yet.. cos its too hard work.. we will soon be fetching them their pipe and slippers and having their dinner ready when they come home from work lol




Why do Men Crossdress The Forum???? https://cdtra007.wixsite.com/whydomencrossdress/forum cdtra007@hotmail.com