Women Discovering the big secret… What now? How do we communicate? Its so hard to talk about… (October 2013)

31/10/2013 16:30

Added Oct 13 as a starting point as my Blog went off into the Trans Spectrum and i thought thats no use initially to anyone coming here looking for answers as to why their other half crossdresses and what to do next? So here goes..,. May not apply to everyone but some advice from me from my experiance

So, I’ve read some yahoo / google pleas for help and also some on TVChix in the SO forum asking the Question “My Husbands told me he’s a crossdresser I don’t know how I feel, but I’m scared and don’t know what to think or what to say”


“I love him but this is just not him? why is he doing this to me? why is he dressing up as a woman? is it my fault? Does this mean he’s gay? Does he want a sex change? What will people think of me if they find out my husband crossdresses? What do we do now? I cant confide in anyone…”


A horrid predicament for a woman to face and deal with so many questions all of them WHY? And yet we don’t have all the answers.


Its so hard to talk about and easily upsetting for women to hear we men like to dress up as a woman and to what extent we do it.. ie I dress fully and try to look as convincing as I can as “Davina” but why? I haven’t got a clue really it just feels nice and is fun ..


SO, what next you need to talk you need an outlet you want answers yet both you and your husband have clammed up.. he’s now guilty as hell for putting you through his secret… he was hoping you’d say “oh wow that’s cool lets see you dressed up” but you’ve said “oh my God what does this mean for our relationship!!”


My advice is write down your fears and some questions, sit down and pick your way through what you’ve written and answer them… hey you yes you now you’ve told her you like to dress up are you gonna answer her questions honestly as here’s your big chance… what you’ve bottled it? Ok it is hard so write down the reply to her questions and give it back to her to read but be there for her to answer any follow up queries and whilst at it tell her what you would like out of it from your significant other … to what extent would you like her to be involved… be honest its now out there so tell her exactly how it makes you feel and what youd like to do next..


Good luck… take your time … if you do get your wife GFs acceptance of this fetish or lifestyle or whatever it is you’re very lucky… don’t push your luck and take it at her pace…


Why do Men Crossdress The Forum???? https://cdtra007.wixsite.com/whydomencrossdress/forum cdtra007@hotmail.com